Porcelain Veneers

The benefit of porcelain veneers
By covering the entire teeth, porcelain veneers instantly give you a perfect natural smile. After the procedure, you will see a beautiful smiles right away.
How will my veneers be fitted?
Instead of having all the treatment on chair, Porcelain veneer involves the most advanced techniques such as an intra-oral scanner and 4D printer with dental lab. Since we use the most accurate digital impression of your teeth, your venner will fit on your natural teeth perfectly.
After care for porcelain veneers
Generally, porcelain veneers can be cared for in the same way as you would care for your other teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are key, and you must attend your planned dental appointments. Dr. Shin evaluates the veneers at every visit and help you to keep the veneer even longer.